Welcome to the Calgary Motorcycle Club web site. The C M.C. was established in 1926 by a group of individuals who all had a common interest in riding motorcycles . Flash forward to the year 2023 and the C.M.C. is still here, still doing what it does best, riding motorcycles. The clubs interests are primarily touring, which includes riding the hiways and byways of Calgary and surrounding regions. The club does not just limit itself to the pavement but also travels the dirt roads and gravel roads of Alberta and B.C. by hosting several dual sport rides as well. Whether it is a short scenic day trip, a poker run, or a long weekend camping trip, we invite you to join the C.M.C. on our adventures and enjoy the camaradarie of touring throughout some of the most scenic areas of Alberta and western Canada.
It doesn't matter the brand, style or size of motorcycle you ride: you are welcome to join the C.M.C. The only requirements to ride with us are a valid drivers licence with motorcycle endorsement , safe riding habits , a good sense of humor and a passion for motorcycling.
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